Anak-anak Kampung Baru, tempat kami memulai perjalanan ke pulau Moyo.

MOYO is known as "Lady Di and Charles ever stayed" island that many Indonesian travelers think is hard to visit. But Linda-Harum-Keke proved it is not! *even for sure we not ever tried to stay in that sooo expensive yet exclusive Amanwana Resort* :p
SATONDA was famous-less, but I found that it's a very beautiful place!! Whose visitors are mostly foreign. Checking the guest book, surprisingly we found that we were the first Indonesian guests in 2008! WOW! Gurlz, we made a record!! :))))
just with BucexBoat, a <6 meters long modest yet minimalist fisherman boat, we enjoy the days and night in the sea; a lot stories! From extreme action by Linda, Harum’s severe sea sickness, to my second experience of grounded ship..*eh*..boat.. :p
enjoy the pics!

Other destinations in this trip,
- Baluran
- Sumbawa
- Bungin