Friday, 18 December 2009

ALOR | Kepa, Takpala dan Kalabahi

Setelah hampir setahun, lengkap dengan spoilernya di album Boti, dengan berkat dan rahmat Allah, tayang juga ini album... :D

Ini aja baru Alor beserta kroni-kroninya... Kepa yang mungil dan super bersih, Kalabahi yang banyak kenarinya dan Takpala, desa adat di mana Roni dipaksa ngerokok kulit jagung...

Alor, salah satu pulau di ujung timur Flores yang lebih gampang dijangkau naik pesawat dari Kupang, Timor. Gampang itu berarti cuma delay 1 hari pas berangkat dan delay beberapa jam pas pulangnya.. :p Tukang ojeknya baik-baik dan ga morotin, suka ngasi "ide-ide cemerlang" tempat hidden buat motret. Alor juga sumber kenari dan jagung titi yang sungguh berguna untuk membunuh waktu dan mengasah ketrampilan jari dan gigi.. Alor punya banyak ikan segar murah meriah di pasar, juga pantai-pantai bersih dengan air bening bergradasi dari tosca ke prusian.. dari pantai Kepa, Mali sampai Maimol.



Dah aah.. nanti kalo buku catetannya ketemu, ditambahin lagi (kalo ga kumat malesnya). oya, foto underwaternya juga nyusul... (kalo ga males)

Video bawah lautnya bisa dilihat di sini.


Saturday, 30 May 2009

The Unspoiled BOTI


My staying in Boti was too short, but their belief and practices gave a long impression on me ‘til today.

People said, Boti is the most unspoiled tribe in West Timor, I can’t confirm it yet since I didn’t visit the other villages. But considering how difficult to reach Boti, which is in the middle of the mountains, especially after the dusk as we did and how poor some road from Soe (the closest city district) to Boti, it can be understood how closed Boti from modern civilization and its running progress.

No electricity, limited usage of Indonesia language but endless hospitality made me feel easy yet homey. Started from the late evening as we arrived (about 9 pm when the area was totally dark), I was surprised that our coming was really expected and welcomed by. Linda, my tough trav-buddy had been there a night earlier and told them we were coming and made them waiting so long. Linda said, they would keep waiting if they know any visitor coming whatever the time. Actually we already brought our dinner, but the royal family of Boti had prepared some for us. Language was a real barrier. Only Pah, the young member of Royal Family, that knows enough Bahasa. He did translate for us and the king, Nama Benu (call Bapa Tua) and other elders that kept awake and friendly responded.

Boti is known to uphold the trust and confidence they called Halaika. They believe in the two authorities, Uis Neno ma (and) Uis Pah. Uis Pah as mother who manage, supervise, and maintain the life of the universe and its contents, including humans, while Uis Neno as father who is an authority beyond that will determine a person go to heaven or not based on deeds in the world. This belief drives real practices as I witnessed. They do well their own needs by self and by taking care the nature, as well as they do community gathering as a worship every the 9th day.

In daily life there is a division of tasks between the men and women. The man does gardening and hunting. Meanwhile, household affairs to the women. Although the division of roles is commonly found in the other systems/traditions, there is one thing that makes Boti quite different, they profess monogamy or only married one.


Here's some of life scenes of Boti that I saw, hope you enjoy them, too..

Sunday, 25 January 2009

EAST BORNEO, a year ago



I know I'm quick for trips but slow (= lazy) to write the journals. :p

Like this one, a trip to East Borneo.. almost a year ago, March 21-25, 2008.
It was a thrilling trip in the end of rainy season when the poor roads became poorest and the water debit of Mahakam river higher.. but the fun never be less.

Day I: Balikpapan - Camp Baru Muara Tae (passing Tenggarong and meeting a friendly transmigrant family from East Java)
Day II: Camp Baru - Sendawar - Kersik Luay - Eheng longhouse - Tanjung Issuy
Day III: Tanjung Issuy - Jempang seasonal lake - Muara Ohong - Mancong longhouse - back to Tj. Issuy
Day IV: Tanjung Issuy - Mahakam river - Kota Bangun - Balikpapan
Day V: souvenir/food hunting @ Kebon Sayur, Balikpapan - Jakarta

Here're some shots I got.