I know I'm quick for trips but slow (= lazy) to write the journals. :p
Like this one, a trip to East Borneo.. almost a year ago, March 21-25, 2008.
It was a thrilling trip in the end of rainy season when the poor roads became poorest and the water debit of Mahakam river higher.. but the fun never be less.
Day I: Balikpapan - Camp Baru Muara Tae (passing Tenggarong and meeting a friendly transmigrant family from East Java)
Day II: Camp Baru - Sendawar - Kersik Luay - Eheng longhouse - Tanjung Issuy
Day III: Tanjung Issuy - Jempang seasonal lake - Muara Ohong - Mancong longhouse - back to Tj. Issuy
Day IV: Tanjung Issuy - Mahakam river - Kota Bangun - Balikpapan
Day V: souvenir/food hunting @ Kebon Sayur, Balikpapan - Jakarta
Here're some shots I got.